New York, NY 2/19/2010 1:19:09 AM
News / Business

Chaffin Luhana Applauds GSK’s Decision to Withdraw Super Poligrip with Zinc from the Market

Chaffin Luhana LLP applauds GlaxoSmithKline’s (NYSE:GSK) decision to withdraw Super Poligrip with zinc from the market.  GSK’s decision to stop manufacturing and marketing Super Poligrip comes after pressure from lawsuits alleging that zinc in that product line and in Fixodent (manufactured by Procter & Gamble) causes zinc poisoning, copper deficiency, blood disorders and myeloneuropathy in consumers who use large amounts of the products.  

“Our typical client who used these products are now bound to a wheelchair or use a walker or cane for mobility and many of them have hands that are so spastic that they resemble claws,” said  Eric Chaffin, who is a partner at New York based Chaffin Luhana LLP, which represents dozens of injured denture cream consumers.  

Super Poligrip has been on supermarket shelves and consumed by millions of consumers worldwide for decades.  GSK (and Block Drug Company before it) has aggressively advertised Super Poligrip to consumers since the 1970’s.  

Mr. Chaffin and Roopal Luhana have been advocating for months that GSK and P&G should take action to stop consumers from being poisoned from the zinc in Super Poligrip and Fixodent when early last year Mr. Chaffin appeared on Good Morning America regarding this important  public health issue.   Mr. Chaffin has been appointed by both federal and state courts as one of the lead attorneys in the denture cream lawsuits.  His firm so far represents over 50 consumers – one of the two largest groups of injured Super Poligrip and Fixodent consumers in the country - who are suing GSK and P&G for zinc poisoning from these products.  

About the withdrawal, Mr. Chaffin stated, “My clients are still horribly injured and this does not compensate them for their injuries.  But, it is satisfying to see GSK taking this product off the market.  We’d like to see Procter & Gamble wake up and act responsibly by following GSK’s lead to change this industry and withdraw Fixodent from the market.”  


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