Atlanta, Ga. 2/19/2010 4:19:37 AM
News / Law

Former NYC Police Chief Bernard Kerik Sentenced to Four Years in Jail

Former New York City police chief Bernard Kerik has been sentenced to four years in jail after pleading guilty to eight charges ranging from tax evasion to lying to the White House.


Kerik, once considered a hero in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, was found to have used the tragedy as a means for “personal gain and aggrandizement” according to federal judge Stephen Robinson. It was for that reason that Robinson went beyond the prosecution’s recommended sentence of between 27 to 33 months.


Kerik had at one time been considered a sure thing to become homeland security chief, having been nominated to the post by George W. Bush in 2004 but within a week Kerik withdrew his name from consideration. This led to a closer investigation into Kerik and he was eventually charged on eight counts but his plea deal saved him from a possible sentence of 61 years.




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