It’s terrible, little Johnny aged 5 has never been the same since he received thousands of spam emails telling him his credit card applications have been declined and that his financial rating is worse than finding out you’ve won the lottery two weeks running, and then seeing your neighbor’s dog eat the tickets.
"But Little Johnny has never applied for anything in his life", sobs his mother Jean. "Now all he does is sit in his room by himself sending off loan application forms. I’ve never seen him so depressed and I just don’t know what to do". Says Dr Fredrick Zimmerbath of Ohio “In my entire experience as a Doctor, I have only seen this 371 times”…..
So, be careful out there. Protect your kids and your family from unsolicited emails and you too can save yourself from potentially huge psychiatric bills as dotWORLDS ( launches the world’s first real spam-free email system. It’s fantastic. Not only can you create almost any email address you can think of, but you can also integrate it with your Outlook Express or other email client.
So, after months of care and treatment, "" can email "frederick@zimmerbath.shrink", to tell him that he’s completely cured. The possibilities are endless, and this is not just for Johnny. Send and receive to all these addresses as well as send to the outside (ie the .coms and .nets). Crucially however, the system is designed to ensure that the outside world of spam just can’t reach you. At last, parents can have the confidence that their kids will be safe from insidious attack from Bulk Mailers. Yes, from now on the only email you’ll get is the email you want.
About dotWORLDS Ltd.
dotWORLDS Ltd is a UK company based in London that specializes in offering the widest range of brand new fully personalized domain names, email addresses, hosting, website builders, backup and storage – all free – through its Global Infrastructure.
Please see website for full details