Ames, IA 8/11/2007 10:46:20 PM
News / People

Ron Paul's Performance at the Ames Straw Poll

At the end of every debate, Ron Paul has come up first or second in every online poll by the major news network that hosted the debate. In previous elections, the winner was always mentioned at the end of the broadcast but things have changed in 2008 because the media suppresses any positive for the Ron Paul campaign. reported that 30 Republican officials around the state of Iowa were polled as to who would come in first through fifth and not one of them predicted Ron Paul would. Even John Cox was placed ahead of Ron Paul.

As USA Election Polls writes, "that wreaks of bias against the  non-conformist Republican candidate". Make no mistake about it, Ron Paul will be attacked for his performance at the Ames Straw poll.

If Ron Paul does poorly, they will certainly call him on it. If he does well, they will just attribute that to front runners Rudy Giuliani and John McCain not competing hard for the straw poll.

The censorship will continue to live beyond today.