Rumors are ripe and proceeding to ripen. Whether he appears on his favorite pundit's radio talk show or makes statements via his website, Newt Gingrich is a force to be reckoned with. Yet much like a shy bride has a hard time finally giving her “yes”, he has a hard time committing to the party's need of an upstanding candidate for the presidential nomination. There are those who wonder if his personal history is slowing down his ambitions for the White House, while others are thinking out loud if perhaps it is the fact that more than once his dealings have come under scrutiny for potential inconsistencies which are making him take good stock of his potential for winning the party nomination.
The foregoing notwithstanding, sites such as USA Election Polls are already incorporating his potential votes into the polling data collected, and even the pundits are carefully making him fodder for their speculations as to who will square off against the democratic nominee. Many believe that if Mrs. Clinton will be receiving the democratic nod, Mr. Gingrich will be more of an anchor around the neck of the republicans than an asset, while those who believe that if he were to square off against Barack Obama, he would have a reasonable chance at victory. Even though it is too early to assess which way the wind blows, the fact that thus far he has remained undeclared will hurt him if he is not able to quickly raise substantial funds to compete with both fellow republicans as well as opposing democrats.
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