United States of America 8/18/2007 3:30:36 AM
News / Politics

Thompson to the Rescue?

Without having officially entered the race, former Tennessee Senator and actor Fred Thompson is being hailed the redeemer for the Republicans who have entered the Presidential election. Why? Well, some supporters claim him to be in the mold of late President Ronald Reagan. We will not find out until after Labor Day, however because he was counseled by advisors that it was in his best interest. They feared him not living up to expectations in the debate and early straw poll in Iowa. So instead of showing himself off, Thompson will be securing his finances for the possible campaign over the rest of the summer.

He has been deemed a smart one for waiting because others have been lowered in voters' eyes while others simply have not moved up or down. Despite that fact that many think Thompson's hesitance is no less than brilliant, it has given the media more time to dig up dirt. There were allegations of his working for an abortion clinic which were, of course, denied but a reporter immediately came up with over twenty billable hours from the early ninety nineties. This proved to be strange for a lawyer who is a staunch Republican. The scandals do not stop there; his campaign manager and close friend was given the boot after conflicting with Thompson's wife. He was replaced by Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham and Randy Enwright, a veteran G.O.P. strategist. If Thompson keeps his hopes set high, he could make a short run of the election into a very long victory.

> View the online archive of the latest 2008 presidential polls.