2/24/2010 2/25/2010 3:31:36 AM
News / Business

Fun Academic Summer Camp that Youth and Parents Love

SuperCamp academic summer camps are a popular choice among parents whose children are aspiring to attend a top college. SuperCamp holds 7- and 10-day teen summer camps for middle school and high school students.


With over 54,000 graduates in 28 years, SuperCamp is one of the leading academic summer camps in the world. Students 11-18 years of age love SuperCamp. Interestingly, so do their parents.


At SuperCamp, students gain valuable learning skills in such areas as effective reading, creative writing, critical thinking, and problem solving, plus study, test-taking, and memory techniques. Another important aspect of SuperCamp is character development using the 8 Keys of Excellence: Integrity, Failure Leads to Success, Speak with Good Purpose, This is it, Commitment, Ownership, Flexibility and Balance.


These Quantum Learning methodologies are founded on the principles of accelerated learning and honed by founder Bobbi DePorter and the senior educators within her organization, Quantum Learning Network.


Students enjoy attending the camp because they discover their own greatness. They learn that they can accomplish anything they put their minds to. And they enjoy every action-packed minute at camp with SuperCamp’s dynamic staff.


Parents love SuperCamp because their sons and daughters return home more positive, confident and motivated, which is reflected in their grades, their relationships at home and with friends, and their desire to make things happen in their lives.


The summer academic program is now taking enrollments for Summer 2010. To get more information, parents can visit the website at SuperCamp.com or call an enrollment specialist at 800-285-3276.