United States of America 8/28/2007 12:23:36 PM
News / Politics

TIPP Online - Public Opinion Polls & Surveys (TippOnline.com)

TIPP was started in 1997, when it was launched and began to be one of the major innovators in the idea of public opinion polling. The company has many different polling partners that work together with it to make sure that the polls are conducted in a way that gets the best results, every time. Tipp works with Investor’s Business Daily as well as The Christian Science Monitor in order to study the state of the country. This means that they deal with everything from the people’s opinions of the economy, the president’s leadership, and the general outlook for the country that the people who are being polled may have.

TIPP also developed many different polling techniques. One of them, MetaPoll, is one of the more popular ways today to make sure that the polling is done in such a way to receive the kind of random sampling that you want to get out of your polling.

There are several things that TIPP does besides doing public opinion polls. They also conduct polls having to do with the major races that are going on in the country. This includes races for the senate and house, as well as the governor races in each state, and also the race for the White House. There are many different things that TIPP does while doing polling and they have been doing this for many years.

Some critics might say that TIPP has a conservative edge, and that some of its questions are slanted in this direction.

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> USAElectionPolls.com is the web's largest archive of presidential polls.