LOS ANGELES 9/12/2007 9:58:28 PM
News / Education

Patriotic Foundation Good For The Country Is Now 501(c)(3)

Author and Columnist increases the scope and footprint of addressing and meeting boondoggle anti-hate, anti-violence programs.

The Good For The Country Foundation is now a 501(c)(3) tax exempt education organization. The Foundation joins the ranks of Patriotic Philanthropy Organizations to educate in the public interest.

Author and feature columnist John Longenecker is in his third year on the web with his patriotic essays feature, Good For The Country, addressing various issues of adversity to personal sovereignty across all political lines. This new Foundation cranks up the wattage and footprint now through multi-media of podcast, broadcast, video, commercial advertising, talkradio and more. The Foundation works to show how abuse of due process pushes aside liberty and citizen authority under color of fighting anger and violence.

"Most of the well-intentioned programs in our society began with one thing in common," says John Longenecker, President and Founder, "They all came into being based on claims of finding hate and violence within our anchor institutions.  As these themselves now tend to intimidate, punish and hide personal authority and independence of workers or parents to the detriment of the nation, their original mission is abandoned, and they now depend on adversity merely to survive," observes Longenecker. "Dozens of them come to mind."

Longenecker charges that, under our system, Personal Liberty is more than sufficient to meet this kind of adversity, as anti-crime, anti-violence and anti-hate programs have become predatory, self-dealing interests. The liberty message makes the connection of Original Intent at the nation's inception, Personal Authority in law, and Personal Liberty to modern times to impeach these predatory practices. The Founding Fathers anticipated abuse of process in any age as the single greatest threat to the nation.

"Many issues are very controversial, intimidating, but where they depend on abuses of due process to thrive, it will be the application of genuine due process that meets and answers them."

"One question comes to mind for all of these anti-hate, anti-violence interests: is this where hate and crime are fought? It is not," Longenecker answers, "and the insistent, predatory nature of many immortal programs then becomes clear: obfuscating personal authority, pushing it out of the way. This practice profoundly and adversely impacts family, workplace, campus, community services, disaster recovery, parenting, defense of the nation and more."

"Personal Independence and Citizen Authority can easily impeach many of these programs," he writes. "It’s time to discredit these as boondoggles and unwelcome social engineering which they back with force."

The only solution is making the Original Intent /Authority/Freedom connection into one liberty message – the three things hidden by so many of our anchor institutions.  Fully aware of how liberty and personal authority are hidden, the organization’s education motto is You never know who may be hearing the liberty message for the very first time.

And that would be good for the country.

For a brochure, send a SASE to Good For The Country – P.O. Box 6195 – Lakewood, California 90714


Copyright © 2007 Good For The Country, Inc. All rights reserved.

Op-eds, press releases, letters to the editor and other materials produced by The Good For The Country Foundation are submitted to newspapers, radio stations and Web sites across the United States and abroad. Our original content video, podcasts of lecture series and more are made available at no charge thanks to voluntary contributions.

Good For The Country, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, and your tax deductible donations support the multi-media liberty message.

You never know who may be hearing the liberty message for the very first time.
