As the only woman who is running for president, Senator Hillary Clinton is hoping to get the full support of women in the country. In celebrating Women’s Equality Day, Clinton launched an online campaign to educate and empower women all over the country. The campaign encourages women to make their votes count and take part in shaping the country. It also presents the achievements of Senator Clinton as a legislator, a mother and as a private person. The campaign highlights the fact that Senator Clinton is an advocate for change and is champion for women’s rights.
Hillary Clinton has approximately 40% in the majority of states according to the polls on
In her message to women all over the country, Clinton said that women from all over the country should “continue the fight to protect and defend women’s rights.” According to Clinton, the Women’s Equality Day should just be known as the day when women finally got the right to vote but rather a day when women break barriers and come out of their stereotype roles.
As part of the Women’s Equality Day celebration, the Clinton campaign encourages women to send e-cards to women all over the country. The theme of the e-cards is “Women Firsts” and features women who were the first in their field. Among the women featured were Madeleine Alright, Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Many political observes saw the move of Clinton as a very resourceful way of awakening the sense of sisterhood among women and rallying woman behind her bid as the first woman president of the country. As the only woman candidate for president, Clinton is counting on the support of women all over the country.
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