Kansas Senator Sam Brownback is all for securing the country’s borders, even if it means construction of a 700-foot fence between the United States and Mexico. Another 300 miles of the border would be guarded by a vehicle barrier and would increase detention facilities to put an end to what he calls the “catch and release” program currently used in handling illegal immigrants entering the country.
According to USA Election Polls (USAElectionPolls.com), Brownback is polling highest in Iowa and Kansas. But with Huckabee holding a large part of that state, Brownback’s small portions are not likely significant.
Increasing the number of border guards is only part of his plan to secure the borders against illegal entry into the United States, as he wants to remove the incentive for illegal immigrants crossing the border. Tighter controls and stiffer penalties for companies that knowingly hire illegals will help remove the incentive, according to Brownback and it will take federal involvement to make it happen.
He is also against legislating from the bench as he sees the Judiciary’s role as one of interpreting the law and not sidestepping the lawmakers by inserting their own beliefs into legal opinions. He believes in a government that is accountable to the citizens and by appointing judges whose view are aligned with the current ruling party, their decisions do not always reflect the laws on the books or the will of the people. Returning the country to the governance of the voters is a top priority for Brownback.
His belief in the family unit leads him to state that the right to marry is not the right to redefine marriage and that the union should be between a man and a woman. He is vocal in his opinion against the recent court decision in Iowa that allows gay marriages and believes the court overstepped its boundaries in its decision.
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