Atlanta, GA 9/13/2007 10:26:53 PM
News / Travel

Southwest Airlines tells Setara Qassim to cover up, outfits too revealing

Setara Qassim is the second women to come forward and speak about Southwest Airlines “dress code.” Last week Kayla Ebbert, 23, revealed a Southwest employee approached her before she boarded the plane and said she was not dressed appropriately to fly because too much skin was showing. Ebbert said she was told to adjust her skirt and sweater before she could fly.

Qassim says she was also approached by an employee as she was flying to Burbank last June. She said a Southwest flight attendant told her to cover up with a blanket because her outfit was too revealing.


Southwest Airlines issued a statement about last week’s issue with Ebbert saying there was “a concern about Mrs. Ebbert’s revealing attire on the flight that day. As a compromise, we asked her to adjust her clothing to be less revealing. She complied, and she traveled as scheduled.”


Airline spokesman Chris Mainz says that Southwest lets their employees make the judgment call on passenger’s outfits. “We don’t have a dress code,” Mainz says. “”We rely on our employees to use common sense good judgment and good taste. It’s so rare for us to have to address a customer’s clothing issue.”   


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