Atlanta, Ga. 9/13/2007 11:03:52 PM
News / Law

Warren Jeffs Rape Trial Underway

Opening statements in the Warren Jeffs trial were introduced Thursday as prosecutors look for a guilty verdict against the head of the Fundamental Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) for two counts of rape by accomplice.

Prosecutors maintain that Jeffs forced a 14-year-old girl into marrying her cousin and when that marriage was consummated it amounted to rape by association. The teenaged girl has testified that she did not want to marry her 19-year-old cousin in 2001 but Jeffs told her that her salvation was at risk if she did not show obedience.

The Warren Jeffs trial is expected to last through next week and if he’s found guilty he could be facing life behind bars.

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