Washington D.C. 9/17/2007 9:47:40 PM
News / Politics

Rudy Giuliani Has Terror Dealings On His Side

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has terrorists to thank for his rise in political stock and his actions following the terrorist attacks in his city in 2001 has cemented his name in the minds of many Republicans. His out-of-public displays of affection for female companionship may have cost him some positive views, but many potential voters claim they will vote on his public record and not his private life.

Despite his stance on gun control, or perhaps because of it, he is flirting with endorsements from many who may have lost a loved one to gun violence. His recent spat with another candidate, Fred Thompson over gun control, could not have come at a better time for the former mayor of one of the deadliest cities in the country. As he panders to the conservative in New Hampshire and Iowa, he is looking for the down to Earth type of campaign materials these voters want to hear. According to USA Election Polls (USAElectionPolls.com), Thompson is barely trailing Guiliani. Thompson is doing best in the Southern States.

His campaigns through the early primary states have mainly focused on his desire to meet with the average citizen to get their views on how things should be run in Washington. Whether he carries those views into the presidency, if elected, could be the rise or fall of future Republican candidates.

Voters in Iowa pressed him during his appearances there on his sense of reality as it pertains to the common people of the country and were quick to point out that visiting a farm is not the same as understanding what hard work is all about. Although they did express a high opinion of how he reacted during the crisis of 2001.

> To see Rudy Giuliani Poll Results.