Atlanta, Ga. 9/18/2007 8:56:40 PM
News / Law

Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers Suing God for Terroristic Threats

Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers has filed a lawsuit against God claiming the omnipotent and omniscient One has leveled terroristic threats against him and his constituents.


As Nebraska’s longest serving state senator Chambers has made clear that the case is an attempt to bring awareness to the growing number of frivolous lawsuits that had made their way to court. Despite the nature of his lawsuit Chambers hasn’t spared detail in laying out his claims that God has caused “widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants.”


Chambers was apparently upset with a federal lawsuit filed last week by a woman who sued a judge for barring the words “rape” and “victim” from a sexual assault trial. The point of Chambers’ suit against God was to bring more attention to the growing problem of lawsuits that he claims carry “questionable merit.”


According to Chambers the woman’s suit against the judge has already been decided by the Nebraska Supreme Court thus making her lawsuit federal case pointless because federal courts will follow the decisions made by a state supreme court when it comes to state issues.


The Nebraska Senator assured people that his lawsuit against God brought out valid points and said “People might call it frivolous but if they read it they'll see there are very serious issues I have raised.”


Among the crimes Chambers claims God is guilty of, “fearsome floods ... horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes.” He is seeking a permanent injunction against the God.


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