Denver 3/1/2010 10:58:29 AM
News / Health & Wellness Announces Avandia Information Portal Update, an online leader in personal injury legal assistance, is pleased to announce its newest content addition soon to appear on the recently restored Avandia information portal, available at . Since the inception of the Avandia site, visitors have been given access to a wealth of information concerning the prescription drug used for managing diabetes. Articles, press releases, web links and an opportunity to connect with an Avandia attorney for free have drawn massive amounts of traffic to the Avandia page.

The latest release from the press release team covers a recent decision by the the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance which seems to be particularly damning to the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and its diabetes drug,
Avandia. As many are already aware, Avandia has been embroiled in controversy regarding dangerous side effects involving cardiac complications. In a letter attached to the Committee's report, two Senators explicitly state that, "The totality of evidence suggests that GlaxoSmithKline was aware of the possible cardiac risks associated with Avandia years before such evidence became public."

In a promptly written response, GSK decried the findings of the Senate Finance Committee, stating that the report, "...draws conclusions on the safety of Avandia (rosiglitazone) that are based on analyses that are not consistent with the rigorous scientific evidence supporting the safety of the drug." They go on to state that the report appears to "cherry pick" information from several reports to paint a negative picture of the medication. GSK has long denied reports of
Avandia heart problems as having inadequate information or dubious testing methods.

The embattled medication may be near the end of its efficacy and use; many doctors are hesitant to prescribe medication that has seen such controversy. Indeed, the sales of the medication have dropped off significantly from its peak year; in 2006, Avandia garnered $2.6 billion in world sales. In 2009, it earned GSK only $721 million. The risk of serious
Avandia side effects has both doctors and patients shying away from the medication.

In addition to its extensive Avandia resources, also provides users with other personal injury resource portals. One such access site is its expansive mesothelioma page. There, individuals can find access to a wealth of legal information regarding mesothelioma, including access to
mesothelioma litigation and experienced mesothelioma lawyers. is a public service brought to you by Legal WebTV Network, LLC, a Limited Liability Corporation created by a group of the nation’s most highly respected law firms: Anapol Schwartz; Cohen, Placitella and Roth; James F. Humphreys and Associates; Lopez McHugh; and Thornton and Naumes. For more information on the accomplishments and track records of’s superior sponsoring law firms and to get in touch with LegalView attorneys, visit LegalView at