Atlanta, Ga. 9/20/2007 1:59:39 AM
News / Law

South Carolina Man Sentenced to 421 Years for Kidnapping and Raping 14-Year-Old Girl

Vinson Filyaw pleaded guilty on Tuesday to charges of kidnapping and raping a 14-year-old girl for ten days and Wednesday the South Carolina man was sentenced to 421 years in prison by Judge G. Thomas Cooper.


Judge Cooper looked at Filyaw moments before his sentence was announced and said “I have a strong belief you have forfeited your right to be a member of this society.”


In a detailed admission of guilt Filyaw described in manuscript form the events that led up to the kidnapping and eventual ten days of imprisonment of the girl. Filyaw said he posed as a police officer and “Like a predator, I waited on one lonely stray to walk by. My adrenaline was rushing. My plan was to try to arrest the girl quietly, rather than grabbing her and carrying her.”


Over the next ten days the girl was chained to a pipe in a small bunker and repeatedly raped. She was eventually able to use Filyaw’s cell phone to send a text to her mother and was rescued shortly after.


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