For Republicans such as Sen. John McCain, the decision against abortion lies with the choice of being pro-life. It’s a matter of saving the lives of millions of innocent children. It takes research and effort to come to this choice. For Mitt Romney who was once pro-choice, he stated that after time and research about abortion he has now become pro-life. For many women abortion is a way to escape the responsibility of motherhood due to an unplanned pregnancy. For others it is a way to remove the constant reminder of the unfortunate event of rape or incest. Sen. McCain sees the viewpoints of rape and incest as being the only reasons for abortion. According to USA Election Polls (, McCain is doing best in the Western states, which was predicted. His strongest hold is in Arizona.
He and his wife have an adopted daughter and see first hand that adoption of a child is so much healthier than ending the life of an unborn child. It takes courage, faith and a powerfully strong will to stand up against those pro-choice Americans. Several bills that are sent to the capital hill are for the right to end abortion. So far these bills have been vetoed, but bills are still being sent continuously to end this unnatural act. Where many republicans stand against abortion it weighs heavy on their chance to enter into the White House as the President of the United States. But in the end does one viewpoint really capture what any of our candidates will be like as president? It is up to the American people to decide.