U.S.A 9/21/2007 7:32:15 AM
News / Politics

Mitt Romney's Tax Plan 2008

Each Election throughout the history of the United States we hear that taxes will be decreased and that the American people will be benefited from these decreases. Yet with each president the American people receive less than half of what is offered. Republican candidate Mitt Romney is becoming quite vocal about his tax plan for 2008. He is proposing to eliminate taxes on most investment earnings for families that make under $200,000 a year. His tax policy contains the plan to eliminate taxes on interest earnings, capital gains, and dividend income for households that earn less than that income threshold. As voters we can only sit back and hope that tax decrease offers such as Romney’s will be followed through after the election is over. Taxes have been like a plague for American’s since issues of the Boston Tea party. Americans seem to have learned to accept offers of tax decrease to be a myth such as the legendary unicorn. People speak of it but it doesn’t exist.

Perhaps Mr. Romney will be the first presidential candidate to stick to his offer and breathe life and trust back into the hearts of the American people. Taxes and other offers of better healthcare and saving social security can turn of our American youth. It is said that those Americans ages 18-29 are less likely to vote for a republican candidate due to their old fashioned ways of thinking. With a tax plan like Mitt Romney’s, perhaps these voters will give the Republican Party a chance. Let us all hope that we do find tax relief and that we can enjoy being Americans that much more. For further information on Mitt Romney or his tax plan, visit www.nytimes.com.

According to USA Election Polls (USAElectionPolls.com), Mitt Romney is running his strongest race in Iowa and Nevada. He is coming in 4th at this time within the Republican candidates.

> To see the 2008 presidential polls by state.