Arlington, Texas 9/26/2007 12:00:00 PM
News / Education


Energy Solutions That Have NO Teeth - NO Real Salvation - NO Real Solutions - Or Real Hardware To Accomplish What They Waste Time On - or Talking About!

A PANEL IS SCHEDULED TO ADDRESS SOLUTIONS:  Energy Solutions That Have NO Teeth - NO Real Salvation - NO Real Solutions - Or Real Hardware to Accomplish What They Waste Time On - or Are Talking About!


Arlington, Texas September 26, 2007, Trans World


This heading was taken from a news release on another news service wire: 


“GRAND FORKS, NORTH DAKOTA, Sept 10.  A group of the nations , top energy experts has been assembled for the opening panel of the up coming Quality V1 Conference beginning September 24, 2007, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel, in Arlington, Virginia.  The panel will debate the challenges and opportunities facing the evolvio9ng energy industry.”


Question:  How could a GROUP OF TOP ENERGY EXPERTS, be expert, IF THEY DO NOT EVEN RECOGNIZE the ORIGINAL, BEST ENERGY of 1807?  Do they feel it didn’t happen?


We mean, its there!  History cannot be changed!  WHY THEN are these, so called, experts, NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS FACT of SCIENCE?


If they would, the following things would happen:


1).  They wouldn’t have anything else to talk about.


2).  They wouldn’t be able to go on any more Conferences, spend public or even private money to enjoy their bloviating to each other.


The entire situation about modern energy would simply be solved.


ONEGIFT4POWER, a Texas charity, who doesn’t get invited to conferences, or wouldn’t even go if they were, OWNS the ONLY SOLUTION!


They didn’t discover it, or invent it, THEY JUST WERE GIVEN A GIFT, THAT DEVELOPS IT!


The person who gave the gift, DIDN’T DISCOVER IT, he just RE-DISCOVERED with his EYES OPEN, (science, stupidly, closed their eyes about it in 1847,)  what has been available for science since the beginning of time, but only discovered by science, in 1807, two decades ago this year, AND, HE INVENTED THE MEANS TO CONTROL, DEVELOP, EXTRACT And DELIVER THIS ENERGY, by way of a FUEL, AS CHEAP and PLENTIFUL AS DIRT, and an ENERGY SOURCE THAT HAS NO BOUNDS of SUPPLY!


Visit our website:, if you want all the details, instead of all the false rhetoric being spread.


If you want to receive an offer of unprecedented proportions, visit  What’s the problem?


We OWN the solution to the ENERGY, FUEL and ENERGY SOURCE PROBLEM that all such conferences bloviate and play games with!