In a classic study of how something is said is more important than what is being said, many of supporters for Dennis Kucinich claim his delivery of his message is turning many people off as he makes his way across the campaign trail. The Ohio Representative in his second bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, and claims to be running because the current crop of leading candidates don’t know what they’re talking about.
His complete lack of support for the war in Iraq, beginning with voting against the use of force and continuing through to his vote against the bill to fund the war, Kucinich is aggravating people on both sides of the aisle in the House of Representatives. His poll results, as reported by remain in the lower single-digit range, rivaling Republican Representative Ron Paul from Texas.
Many of his supporters give him credit for not consistently going with the current political flow and being unafraid to speak his mind and vote his conscience. Detractors say he should stay out of the national political arena and work harder for the voters who have returned him to his current position for six terms.
His total lack of fear about losing votes by saying the wrong thing to the wrong group resonates well with some of the more liberal voters, but at times his appearance of not giving credence to anyone else’s opinions may be shutting him out of many opportunities to air his views. For the most part Kucinich is in the back seat of national election events and is currently pretty much ignored by the national media.