Los Angeles 10/9/2007 1:58:58 AM
News / Education

Patriotic Foundation's White Paper Explains School Shootings and Victim Disarmament Zones.

Paper explains just why children and adult students don'[t have to die on campus for political reasons.

Gun Control is a political triumph but a societal disaster. Too many officials want to preside over crisis while constituents want loyalty to the United States.

According to the first White Paper of the Good For The Country Foundation - a new patriotic philanthropy educating in the public interest - Gun Control's emotional component often gets in the way of any objective discussion about self-dealing politics versus genuine public interest. But, the emotionalism is left behind when heads of household sort the facts from the emotion in weighing realities they have to live with and choices they can no longer make on behalf of their families in high-crime environments.

"They come to find," says Founder John Longenecker, "What has been hidden about why people must die for political reasons in this country."

Read the White Paper, "How American Gun Control Is Adverse To The Public Interest In An Abuse Of Due Process" viewed in .pdf format at  www.GoodForTheCountry.org/whitepaper.html