Atlanta, GA 10/10/2007 12:09:26 AM
News / Law

President Bush Seeks To Overturn Death Penalty for Texas Inmate

President George W. Bush is seeking to overturn a scheduled execution for Jose Medellin, a Mexican native who is serving the death penalty for the rape and murder of two Texas teenagers back in 1993.

The president points to a ruling from the International Court of Justice, saying the convictions of the 51 Mexicans on death row violates the right for them to get legal help from their own country.

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case Wednesday.

Medellin confessed in 1993 to participating in the rape and murder of two Houston teenagers. Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena were sodomized and strangled with their shoe laces. Medellin bragged about keeping one girl's Mickey Mouse watch as a souvenir of the crime.

Medellin and four others were convicted of capital murder and sent to Texas' death row. A juvenile court sentenced Medellin's younger brother, who was 14 at the time, to 40 years in prison.

The intervention in the case by the Bush administration comes after the International Court of Justice found Medellin was not informed of his right to contact the Mexican Consulate for legal assistance.

According to the Hague, this was a violation of a 1963 treaty known as the Vienna Convention.

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