Chicago, IL 3/6/2010 11:41:12 AM
News / Education


Movement to “clean house” gains momentum.

The website passed the 1 million visitors mark Friday as the non-partisan movement to evict all 435 members of the House of Representatives garners increasing attention from the American people and news media.  Long-established politicians continue to announce their departures from Congress because of partisan deadlock and polls reflecting voter disillusionment.  Meanwhile, GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE, or GOOOH (pronounced “go”), is emerging as a “third choice” for voters in the 2010 election.

“When a million visitors take the time to investigate our plan, you know America is ready to make it happen. When Senator Evan Bayh calls Congress dysfunctional, and he’s part of the majority, you know an alternative is required. We have the answer.”  

Senator Bayh stunned the Congress and the Washington news corps, when he announced on February 15th, too late for voters to pick a replacement candidate in the Indiana primary election, that he would not run for reelection.  The Christian Science Monitor reported that Bayh’s retirement announcement made clear his disgust with Washington, particularly the Congress. “There is much too much partisanship and not enough progress, too much narrow ideology and not enough practical problem solving,” he said.

Bayh’s criticism closely mirrors GOOOH founder Tim Cox’s oft repeated mantra, “Our story is compelling: Fire the career politicians, take the money out of politics, break the death grip the parties have on our representatives, and hold our leaders accountable. Every person in America will like that story.”

Cox was profiled on CBN’s 700 Club Thursday night, an 8-minute segment which can be seen here.  The GOOOH website features the full story of the movement.  “How the Process Works” explains the GOOOH method for selecting congressional candidates free of political party ties and obligations to big donors.