Pave the Way Foundation (PTWF), a New York based non-sectarian organization, whose mission is to bring about peace through positive Interreligious gestures and to educate the everyday person, praises the efforts of the 138 Muslim religious leaders who have called upon the Christian world to join with them in their common message of peace.
These Islamic leaders, representing numerous countries and diverse groups within the Islamic faith, presented a "letter of the common word" to representatives of the Christian world. This document is a positive statement that peace between the faiths is achievable if the members of the world’s two largest faiths can recognize the commonality of their message. This embodies Pave the Way Foundation’s message: "Embrace the Similarities; Savor the Differences". The letter also contains a serious message, pointing out that cooperation is vital for the survival of all, in light of the fact that weapons of mass destruction may be available to those who will kill innocents in the name of religion.
"The use of religion, any religion, as an excuse to maim, torture and kill is an abuse of that religion, in total disregard of the true message of the Bible or the Qu’ran, and it is important that we recognize the true leaders who do not condone this abuse," said Gary L Krupp, President of the Pave the Way Foundation. "PTWF calls upon the international media not to ignore this important letter but rather to assume the responsibility that comes with freedom of press, delivering the truth about the noble efforts of these true Islamic leaders. When Osama Bin Laden delivers a message of hate and death, it’s front page news. The public has a right to know about the efforts of true Islamic leaders to end the bloodshed and murder falsely perpetrated in the name of religion.
PTWF further calls upon the signatories of this letter to take their message to the next level. We implore them to declare a fatwa (Islamic religious decree) stating that the killing of innocents is illegal according to the Qu’ran and that anyone committing such heinous acts or who teaches killing and violence in the name of Islam is to be branded as a traitor to the teachings of Islam. The Qu’ran clearly forbids suicide and the killing of innocents. These false prophets, using the name of Islam to promote hate, violence and murder can only be discredited by the true Muslim leaders, not by government.
It is imperative that the true followers of Islam come to recognize how these false religious leaders, who preach the killing of the innocents around the world, have soiled the image of Islam and defiled it worse than any cartoons ever could.
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue, commented on this document by saying "It is a very interesting letter" and further that it is "a new document because it comes from both Sunni Muslims and Shi’a Muslims." He also referred to it as "a non-polemical (non-argumentative) document with numerous quotes from both the Old Testament and the New Testament."
Dr. Rowan Williams, The Archbishop of Canterbury commented, "Finding common ground between Muslims and Christians is not simply a matter for polite ecumenical dialogue between selected religious leaders... If Muslims and Christians are not at peace, the world cannot be at peace."
PTWF believes that we must encourage all positive efforts to eliminate international terrorism, violence and destruction in the name of religion; these actions may very well save humanity from destruction. We also believe that the media has a responsibility to give a voice to those who are courageously taking action to promote peace and establish cooperation between the world’s religious groups.