Atlanta, Ga. 10/26/2007 9:35:20 PM
News / Law

Genarlow Wilson Release Ordered by Georgia Supreme Court

The Georgia Supreme Court ruled 4-3 on Friday in favor of releasing Genarlow Wilson, the teen convicted of aggravated child molestation after engaging in consensual sex with a 15-year-old in 2003.


Wilson was convicted in 2005 following a trial that made national headlines due to the nature of the crime. The 17-year-old Wilson was videotaped having consensual oral sex with the girl but a court ruled Wilson was in violation of the 1995 Child Protection Act and sentenced him to ten years.


The Child Protection Act was changed in 2006, creating a Romeo and Juliet clause that took into account the ages of those involved. Because Wilson was 17 and the girl 15 the longest sentence would have been one year for the misdemeanor act. When the law was changed it was not made retroactive thus Wilson was forced to remain in prison.


On Friday the Supreme Court upheld an earlier ruling that stated the lengthy prison sentence represented “cruel and unusual punishment” and ordered Wilson freed.


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