Atlanta, Ga. 11/1/2007 1:55:40 AM
News / Law

UK Preacher Facing Extradition to Kenya After Accusations of Kidnapping Surface

A popular African preacher based in the UK is facing extradition to his native Kenya after allegations were raised that he was responsible for the kidnapping of five children between May 1999 and December 2004 and passing the children off as his own.


Gilbert Deya, along with his wife Mary, moved to England in 2004 and quickly established themselves within the large Pentecostal churches in Birmingham, Nottingham, Liverpool, and Manchester.


The couple claimed to have the ability to create “miracle babies” for infertile couples and when a media report in 2004 highlighted the Gilbert Deya and Mary Deya the Kenyan government became suspicious. According to Adina Ezekial, a spokeswoman for the Kenyan government, “There was a report in the East Africa Standard about miracle babies and the head of the serious crime unit directed that two officers visit the home of the couple who are said to have delivered thirteen miracle babies following prayers given by Mrs Deya.”


Ezekial continued, “The officers found 11 young children at the couple’s house. The investigation continued and on 19 August 2004 Mrs Deya’s home address was searched and 10 young children were found between the ages of two and 14. Mrs Deya said it was true she had special powers of prayer so barren women conceived after they passed their menopause. She invited the officers into the house to see the wonders of the prayers and she was arrested on suspicion of harboring stolen children.”


Deya claimed in a police interview that  five of the children in the house were his and had been borne from his wife yet after a medical examination Mary Deya showed no signs of recently giving birth.


A two-day extradition hearing was begun today to determine if Deya wil be returned to Kenya to face charges. He is also under investigation for conspiracy to murder a Kenyan police officer.


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