Atlanta, Ga. 11/2/2007 3:08:25 AM
News / Law

Philadelphia Police Officer Shot at Dunkin’ Donuts Dies from Injuries

Officer Charles Cassidy, a 25-year police veteran, died today after being shot in the head at a Dunkin Donuts in Philadelphia on Wednesday.


Cassidy was shot in the forehead just seconds after walking into a robbery in progress at the doughnut shop. The 54-year-old officer was not responding to a call when he entered the building and had no idea the store was being robbed when a man in a hooded sweatshirt turned and fired at him from close range.


The fallen officer was rushed to the Albert Einstein Medical Center but succumbed to his injuries this morning.


The robber fled the Dunkin’ Donuts but grabbed Cassidy’s gun before leaving.


An employee at the Dunkin’ Donuts stated that Cassidy had regularly stopped by the shop for a large coffee and had always been very kind to all the employees.


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