Atlanta, GA 11/3/2007 2:31:13 AM
News / Law

Stacy Peterson search continues, husband Drew Peterson questioned

The search for Stacy Peterson continues as divers search a pond nearby Stacy and her husband, Drew Peterson’s home. Stacy vanished two days ago and was reported missing after she failed to show up to help a relative paint and her family could not get in touch with her.

Police say there is no sign of foul play, but Stacy’s family insists she would not have voluntarily left her two young children. Drew, a Bolingbrook police sergeant, is not a formal suspect or person of interest at this time but was taken to the police station for questioning.


Police arrived at the Peterson home Thursday afternoon with a search warrant. The 53-year-old has been married three times. In 2004 his ex-wife Kathleen Savio was found dead in her bathtub. It was ruled as an accidental death, but police are now reopening the investigation.


Family members say Stacy feared for her life after telling Drew she wanted a divorce two days prior to going missing. Drew insists Stacy left with a passport, cash and a bikini.


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