Atlanta, GA 11/3/2007 11:58:09 PM
News / Law

Kelsey Peterson arrested in Mexico

Kelsey Peterson, a sixth grade math teacher who is accused of having a sexual relationship with a former student, was arrested in Mexico. The 25-year-old and a 13-year-old boy were on the run after police began an investigation into their relationship.

Peterson and the boy were last seen on October 26, but were located overnight on Friday. Police believe Peterson and the boy crossed over to Mexico from California on Tuesday.  Peterson remained in police custody Saturday morning. 

The boy’s family revealed the relationship began last year and they tried to end it. “He would always be at her house. They would always be together,” said the boy’s cousin.

“We were trying to let everybody know what was going on here,” added the boy’s aunt.

Police were first alerted to the relationship by love letters and e-mails between the student and teacher at Lexington Middle School in Nebraska.

Peterson faces charges of kidnapping, child abuse, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.  


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