Atlanta, GA 11/4/2007 12:21:45 AM
News / Law

Police sketch puts a face with ‘Baby Grace’

A police sketch put a face with ‘Baby Grace,’ who was found stuffed in a plastic container on an island in the Galveston, Texas bay area. Galveston CrimeStoppers officials named the little girl ‘Baby Grace’ after finding her remains on Monday.

Police are asking the public help identify the girl so they can catch who is responsible for her death. Galveston County Sheriff’s Officer Major Ray Tuttoilmondo said finding out the identity of the girl is “90 percent of the investigation. Information from the public would go a long way to help us find out who she was.”

Sketches of the girl by forensic artists are being released to the public in a bid to find out more information. Baby Grace is described as a young girl between the ages of 2 and 3. She was wearing a pick, quarter length shirt with a matching pink skirt and white Velcro shoes. She had long blonde hair that reached to the middle of her back.

Police say a fisherman found Baby Grace in a blue plastic storage container. She had been dead for nearly two weeks. An exact cause of death has yet to be determined, but her skull was fractured.

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