Atlanta, Ga. 11/6/2007 12:42:30 AM
News / Law

Kelsey Peterson Due in Court Monday to Face Charges Related to Relationship with Student

Kelsey Peterson, the 25-year-old teacher accused of having a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old student and fleeing to Mexico, is due in court on Monday to hear charges that will be leveled against her.


Peterson, along with 13-year-old Fernando Rodriguez, were found in Mexicali, Mexico after a week long search starting in their Nebraska hometown evolved into an international hunt that involved the FBI as well as Mexican authorities.


The sixth-grade math teacher is now facing charges in Nebraska that include kidnapping, child abuse and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. On a federal level Peterson is likely to be charged with transporting a minor across state lines or a foreign border for sexual activity.


Peterson is currently being held on the federal charges at the Imperial County Jail in El Centro, California. She is expected to appear before a judge on Monday to hear the charges against her and be notified of her rights.


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