Atlanta, Ga. 11/6/2007 3:10:47 AM
News / Law

Salvatore Lo Piccolo, Sicilian Mafia’s “Boss of Bosses,” Arrested After 25-Years on the Run

Italian police officers arrested Salvatore Lo Piccolo along with his son and two other high ranking Mafia members on Monday, ending a 25-year search for the man believed to be the Sicilian Mafia’s “boss of bosses.”


Lo Piccolo, along with his 32-year-old son Sandro and two other high ranking members of the Mafia were arrested in a raid at a small country house outside the Sicilian capital of Palermo.


Police had been searching for Lo Piccolo since 1983. All four of the men arrested on Monday were among the top 30 most wanted Mafia suspects in Italy.


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