Atlanta, Ga. 11/9/2007 2:16:12 AM
News / Law

David Ajemian, Priest in Boston Archdiocese, Arrested for Stalking Conan O’Brien

A Boston, Massachusetts priest has been arrested for allegedly stalking talk show host Conan O’Brien after several threatening notes were mailed to the Emmy-winning comedian.


David Ajemian was being held without bail after being arrested last Friday in New York City when he attempted to attend a taping of the popular late night show hosted by O’Brien. Ajemian had been warned to stay away from O’Brien after he began sending letters back in September 2006.


In the letters Ajemian described himself as O’Brien’s “priest stalker” and called himself his “most dangerous fan.” Many of the notes sent to O’Brien, written on parish letterhead, demanded the 44-year-old comedian issue a “public apology.” What O’Brien was to confess is still unclear.


The Boston archdiocese has placed Ajemian on leave and barred him from public ministering.


Now facing fourth degree stalking charges and two counts of second degree aggravated harassment, the 46-year-old priest is due back in court tomorrow. If convicted Ajemian could be facing up to a year in prison.


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