Atlanta, Ga. 11/10/2007 1:17:53 AM
News / Law

Bernard Kerik, Former New York Police Commissioner, Indicted on Conspiracy Charges

Bernard Kerik, former New York Police Commissioner and one time candidate for the position of secretary of homeland security, has been indicted by a federal jury on charges of conspiracy, tax fraud and making false statements.


In all, Kerik is facing 16 counts related to the charges.


Among the improprieties Kerik has been charged with was an incident in which he received more than $250,000 in renovations to his Riverside, New York apartment from a firm bidding to do business with the city of New York.


Kerik surrendered to officials on Friday for arraignment.


If convicted on all counts Kerik could be facing 147 years in prison and fines totaling $4.7 million.


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