Atlanta, Ga. 11/10/2007 2:12:26 AM
News / Law

Linda Stein Murder Leads to Arrest of Personal Assistant

Natavia Lowery, the personal assistant of punk scene icon and “Realtor to the Stars” Linda Stein, has been arrested and faces charges related to the 62-year-old’s death on October 30.


Stein was found dead in her New York apartment by her daughter. Autopsy reports indicated she had been killed by several blows to the head and neck. Police quickly focused in on Lowery after noticing there had been no sign of forced injury or robbery at the apartment.


Police spokesman Paul Browne indicated that Lowery had “made statements implicating herself” in the murder.


Stein rose to fame during the punk scene as co-manager of the Ramones and was often seen at hot spots such as CBGB, Studio 54 and Mudd Club.


By the 1990’s Stein had hung up her rock star life for the real estate business and quickly established herself with high profile clients such as Angelina Jolie, Elton John, Madonna, Christie Brinkley, Michael Douglas and Steven Spielberg.


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