Atlanta, GA 11/10/2007 4:59:45 AM
News / Law

Rowan Ford body found

Rowan Ford went missing from her Missouri home a week ago and her body has now been found about 10 miles south of her hometown, Stella.

The 9-year-old girl disappeared last Friday night after her step father David Spears went out with friends around 10:45 that night. Her mother, Colleen Spears, had been to work two hours earlier. David left Rowan alone in their home with the doors unlocked and said he did not check on the 4th grader before going to bed that night.


Police say their was no evidence at the crime scene, but said they suspected foul play from the start. A search began for Rowan and her body was found his morning. “The body was discovered about 8 o’clock this morning by a deputy in McDonald County,” said FBI spokesman Jeff Lanza.


David told Colleen that he thought Rowan woke him up in the middle of the night to tell him she was going to a friends house, but he was not absolutely sure. Police have ruled this claim out. “There’s nothing natural or common about this 9-year-old female getting up from bead and leaving the house at night by herself. There’s no doubt in our mind that she was taken from the residence,” said Ken Copeland of Newton County Sheriff’s department.


The case is still under investigation, but police have not released details about how Rowan died.


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