Atlanta, GA 11/11/2007 1:59:44 AM
News / Law

Stepfather and friend arrested in Rowan Ford death

Rowan Ford’s stepfather and one of his friends were arrested in her death after her body was found in a cave about 10 miles from where they live. Ford had been missing for a week when her body was discovered and police began investigating her death as a homicide.

David Spears said left 9-year-old Rowan home alone on November 3 while he went out with friends. He said when he came back he didn’t check on the girl. Rowan's mother, Colleen Spears, was working that night. Police initially believed Rowan had been abducted, but now they believe she was killed by Spears on of his friends whose name has not been released.


“The stepfather was a possible suspect. I will confirm that he has been arrested, as well as one of his friends,” Sheriff Copeland. Charges have not been filed yet.


Police say they believe Rowan was murdered in Barry County before her body was transported to McDonald where it was dumped. Spears borrowed his mother’s car for nearly six hours that night but couldn’t tell them what he was doing with it.


Details about Rowan’s death has not been released.


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