New York, NY 3/18/2010 9:44:57 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Transvaginal Surgical Mesh Complication Alert Announced by is alerting consumers about potentially serious health complications that have been linked to transvaginal surgical mesh. Some women have experienced severe and painful side effects after implantation of a transvaginal mesh device. connects victims of transvaginal mesh complications to experienced attorneys who can help them seek financial compensation for their injuries.

What is transvaginal mesh?

Transvaginal mesh is a surgical device designed for implantation in women suffering from Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). These conditions commonly affect women after pregnancy and childbirth. Typically, the surgical mesh device is placed transvaginally (through the vaginal wall) using a minimally invasive medical procedure. Several different companies manufacture transvaginal surgical mesh products, including Johnson & Johnson and Boston Scientific.

Has transvaginal mesh been linked to any health complications?

Between 2005 and 2008, the FDA received over 1,000 reports of complications resulting from transvaginal mesh devices used to repair POP and SUI. The most frequent transvaginal mesh complications include infection, pain, urinary problems, recurrence of prolapse and/or incontinence, vaginal scarring, and mesh erosion. Bowel, bladder, and blood vessel perforation during insertion were also reported. In October 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Public Health Notification warning of these serious and painful complications that have been linked to transvaginal mesh devices.

What should I do if I have experienced transvaginal mesh complications?

If you or a loved one has suffered serious transvaginal mesh side effects, your first step should be to seek the appropriate medical care. Next, you may want to consider seeking legal help. Lawyers working with are currently investigating claims of transvaginal mesh complications on behalf of women nationwide. Please visit for more information about your legal rights, and complete the Free Case Evaluation form to have your claim reviewed at no cost.

Women who have suffered transvaginal mesh injuries may be entitled to financial compensation. A transvaginal mesh lawyer can assess your claim and ensure that your rights are fully protected.

About is dedicated to protecting consumers and investors in class actions and complex litigation throughout the United States. keeps consumers informed about product alerts, recalls, and emerging litigation and helps them take action against the manufacturers of defective products, drugs, and medical devices. Information about consumer fraud issues and environmental hazards is also available on the site. Visit today for a no cost, no obligation case evaluation and information about your consumer rights.