Atlanta, GA 11/14/2007 4:23:25 AM
News / Law

Kathleen Savio body exhumed as Stacey Peterson search continues

The body of Kathleen Savio was exhumed today nearly 3 1/2 years after her death. Savio is the third wife of 53-year-old police sergeant Drew Peterson, who is currently under investigation in his current wife Stacey Peterson’s disappearance and possible death.

Savio was found dead in her bathtub in 2004 and her death was determined accidental. Since Stacey Peterson disappeared in October, Savio’s death has been reopened for investigation.


A crane was used to pull Savio’s casket out of the ground at the Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery near Chicago and an autopsy is scheduled for this afternoon. Results aren’t expected for several days. State Attorney James Glasgow says there is new evidence that may prove someone murdered Savio and tried to make it look like and accident.


As the investigation into Savio’s death begins, the search for 19-year-old Stacey Peterson continues. Volunteers are being instructed to look in nearby ponds and bodies of water before they freeze over.


Drew claims Stacey called him and told him she had left for another man. Her family insists Stacey told them she was scared of Drew and says she would never leave her two children behind.


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