Hollywood, Florida 3/20/2010 12:46:34 AM
News / Sports

Mayweather Jr. and Mosley to Be Drug-Tested

Boxing Champs May Set New Standard

Boxing champs Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Shane Mosley hope to set a new standard in the world of professional boxing by submitting to Olympic-style drug testing before and after their upcoming and highly anticipated May 1 fight. Currently, most state athletic commissions only test urine, but that cannot detect a number of performance-enhancing substances, such as the human growth hormone (HGH).  The new program, which was formed in conjunction with the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) will allow for unlimited and unannounced testing of either Mayweather or Mosley. Mayweather's adviser, Leonard Ellerbe, said, "With Floyd being the face of boxing, this is something that he has wanted to put forth... Every fight from this point on that anybody steps into the ring with him will be subjected to this." Hopefully, this more stringent drug testing program will become a new standard, but ultimately it is up to the athletic commissions. Keith Kizer, executive director of the Nevada Athletic Commission, said, ""At the end of the day, USADA has no jurisdiction."

Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Shane Mosley are two of the most talented and successful boxers in recent history. Their upcoming fight is sure to be one of the best match-ups of the year. Don't miss out on your opportunity to buy Shane Mosley memorabilia and tons of other
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