Atlanta, GA 11/16/2007 2:17:12 AM
News / Law

Rev. Al Sharpton March Could Meet Resistance By Dunbar Village Protestors

Rev. Al Sharpton is organizing a march to the Department of Justice Friday. He is expected to be greeted by counter protesters asking why he and other social justice leaders have remained silent on a horrific crime that happened in the Dunbar Village projects in West Palm Beach, FL.

On June 18, a 35-year old Haitian immigrant was lured outside by a teenager who knocked on the door and said her car had a flat. Nine other masked teenagers broke into her house. They raped and sodomized the woman repeatedly, while beating up her 12-year old son in another room.

After three hours, the teenagers brought the woman and son together, forcing the mother to perform oral sex on her son while at gunpoint.

Afterwards, the family was doused with household cleaners, and were to be set on fire, but none of the teenagers had matches. The chemicals burned the boy's eyes.

The mob left the house, taking with them a couple of hundred dollars’ worth of cash, jewelry and cell phones.

That night, the family walked a mile to the hospital, because they had no phone to call for help.

Throughout the ordeal, no neighbors called the police although the walls were very thin. The incident shined light on a crime-ridden neighborhood, which had 717 police calls in the year leading up to the rape.

A grand jury indicted Avion Lawson, 14; Jakaris Taylor, 15; and Nathan Walker, 16, on charges in connection with the case that include eight counts of sexual battery by multiple perpetrators, two counts of kidnapping and one count of promoting sexual performance by a child. The three teenagers, who will be tried as adults, face life in prison if convicted.

The counter protest is aiming to challenge the African-American leaders who were silent about this crime. NAACP, SCLC, ACLU and other social justice organizations made little to no official moves to bring knowledge about nor justice to this situation.

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