The first thing that must be accomplished before anyone can enter an addiction treatment program is for the addicted person to admit that a problem exists. This is often the most difficult part of a drug addiction treatment.
Fortunately for loved ones of an addicted person, many facilities which offer drug addiction treatment also provide intervention programs, designed to help family members and loved ones confront an addicted person in the right spirit.
Staff members called intervention specialists work with a family and loved ones to prepare them for the actual intervention itself. The specialists help those who will be involved to decide exactly how many people should be present at the time when the addicted person will be spoken with.
Anywhere from a minimum of three people to a maximum of seven is usually the number of people who need to be involved in trying to convince someone of the need for addiction treatment. This allows for there to be enough people to provide each other with moral support, but not so many that the atmosphere will feel overwhelming or oppressive.
A good intervention specialist will work with those involved, helping them decide how to approach the subject of drug addiction treatment with the person needing it. Rehearsal sessions will be held before the actual intervention. In this way, when the time comes, things will flow smoothly, thus ensuring a greater chance of success.
Other factors are involved in an intervention, but these are some things that people who are considering such a measure can expect. By logging on to or calling 1-800-559-9503, concerned family members and loved ones can find out more information about conducting an intervention with the goal of getting an addicted loved one into an addiction treatment program.