Atlanta, GA 11/20/2007 8:52:56 AM
News / Law

Family of teen victim of MySpace hoax seeks justice

The family of 13-year-old Megan Meier is seeking justice after their daughter committed suicide over MySpace romance hoax. Ron and Tina Meier say the family they blame for their daughter’s death have not even apologized for their actions that pushed their daughter over the edge.

Megan Meier hanged herself on October 16, 2006 after a cruel hoax invented by the mother of one of her friends. Megan and her friend had an argument and the mother invented a MySpace for a fake 16-year-old boy who she named Josh Evans.


The mother made Megan believe Josh was new to the area and liked her. Megan believed Josh liked her and talked about him all the time despite Tina’s warnings to be careful. When Josh turned on Megan, who battled weight problems and depression, and began calling her names, it pushed the teen over the edge, eventually causing her to hang herself.


The FBI told the Meiers that the hoax was cruel but not criminal so therefore the other family could not be held responsible. Tina and Ron have decided to break their silence and go public with their case, which still remains open.


“They’ve absolutely offered no apologies. They sent us a letter in the mail, basically saying that they might feel a little bit of responsibility, but they don’t feel no guilt or remorse or anything for what they did,” said Ron.


Tina added that while shopping she ran into the mother who created the hoax and the woman asked her to stop going public with the story. “She asked me to stop doing all of this. I told her that we would not stop, that we were going to continue for justice for Megan because we knew what they did.”


“We are still continuing on with the fight on the criminal and the civil side,” added Ron.


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