Students graduating from high school this year and moving on to begin a college career in the fall have an opportunity to gain a unique set of skills to help them prepare for college. College life is different and your student needs to prepare for college. It can be fragmented, intense and sometimes overwhelming: large classes, unstructured time, professors who all think their course is a student's one and only priority. In just eight days at Quantum U, participants learn how to manage their time, energy, and finances. They gain added focus and confidence and they elevate their communication, presentation, study, writing, and reading skills. Bottom line - Quantum U is the teen summer camp that gets students college ready!
At Quantum U, the framework we use is The 8 Keys of Excellence. They are universal behavior principles that help all people achieve their goals, despite age, interest or ability. They include: Integrity, Failure Leads to Success, Speak with Good Purpose, This is It, Commitment, Ownership, Flexibility, and Balance. What’s the Quantum U takeaway? You learn a foundation of skills to: 1. Graduate on time or early 2. Achieve better grades 3. Make responsible choices to improve your future.
If you know of families with students entering college in the fall, tell them about