Atlanta, Ga. 11/22/2007 12:27:35 AM
News / Law

Greg Anderson “Never Going to Testify” Against Barry Bonds

Mark Geragos, attorney for Greg Anderson, told the New York Daily News his client was “never going to testify” against Major League Baseball’s all-time home run king Barry Bonds and would be willing to return to prison if he was asked to turn on Bonds.


Anderson has been Bonds’ personal trainer and spent several months in federal prison after refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating that was investigating the San Francisco Giants slugger.


While Anderson was recently released following Bonds’ indictment on perjury and obstruction of justice charges he could find himself returning again, but for a much longer time.


Anderson was originally sentenced for civil contempt when he refused to testify before a grand jury. A similar refusal if called upon to testify this time would be a criminal contempt charge and potentially land him in prison for a lengthy period of time.


Bonds is currently facing up to five years on each of the four counts of perjury as well as a 10 year sentence for obstruction of justice


Geragos, lead attorney for Anderson, is no stranger to high profile cases. He has represented Michael Jackson, Winona Ryder, Gary Condit and Susan McDougal as well as Scott Peterson.


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