Atlanta, GA 11/24/2007 12:32:42 AM
News / Law

Former pro-wrestler Harrison Norris Jr. found guilty of sex trafficking

Former professional wrestler Harrison Norris Jr. has been found guilty of peonage, forced labor, aggravated sexual abuse, sex trafficking and other charges in the case of five victims. He is also charged with conspiracy in three other cases. Norris, known as ‘Hardbody,’ was acquitted of charges in the case of a ninth victim.

Norris was accused of luring women into prostitution and slavery through is pro-wrestling company. Prosecutors said the 41-year-old used violence to scare the women into submission. They say Norris picked the women up from gas stations and several other locations.


Norris denies any involvement in slavery or abusive behavior claiming he only offered the women a better life as pro-wrestlers at his home in North Georgia. He claims the women willingly lived with him, his wife and one of his children so they could train as pro-wrestlers. Norris and his mother, Lucille Norris, say the allegations stem from racism as Norris is African American and most of the victims were white women.


“I think the jury’s verdict vindicates the rights of the victims who were brave enough to come forward and confront this man who abused them,” said co-prosecutor Susan Coppedge.


Norris is being held in a Union City detention center until his sentencing on February 28. He faces a maximum of life in prison.


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