Atlanta, GA 11/24/2007 7:23:25 AM
News / Law

Alex Kelly released from jail after serving 10 years in rape case

Former Connecticut high school wrestling star Alex Kelly has been released from prison after serving 10 years of his 16 year sentence in the 1986 rape of two teen girls. Before his rape trial Kelly fled to Europe where he lived a jet-set life style for 8 years.

Kelly spent his time skiing, hand gliding and mountain climbing in Europe. Authorities believe his wealthy parents sent him money to live. They were never charged with aiding a fugitive. Kelly surrendered in 1995 in Switzerland. 


Kelly was convicted in 1997 of raping a 16-year-old girl and pleaded no contest to raping a 17-year-old four days after the first. He was only required to serve 10 years as he got time off for good behavior.


Kelly, 40, was released from prison on Friday but will remain on probation for the next 10 years. He is also required to pay a $10,000 fine.


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