Atlanta, Ga. 11/27/2007 3:16:49 AM
News / Law

Rafael Robb Pleads Guilty to Murdering Wife, Describes Events to Courtroom

Rafael Robb, a former economics professor at the University of Pennsylvania, pled guilty to murdering his wife, Ellen Robb, on Dec 22, 2006 following a heated argument about an upcoming trip.


Robb’s guilty plea of voluntary manslaughter ensures a sentence of no more than seven years.  


According to police, the murder scene had been staged to look like a robbery but the investigation quickly turned to the Ivy League professor. He eventually admitted that he struck his wife several times with an exercise bar following an argument about a trip she was planning with their daughter.


Robb was upset about his wife’s plans to keep their daughter out of school for the trip. Describing how the argument escalated, Robb told the court “At one point, Ellen pushed me. ... I just lost it.”


After entering his plea Robb apologized to his daughter saying, “I know she liked her mother, and now she doesn't have a mother.”


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