Atlanta, GA 11/28/2007 2:01:10 AM
News / Law

Papa Pilgrim faces prison in family abuse case

A man who calls himself Papa Pilgrim could go to jail for a long time after his family testified in court that they suffered sexual and physical abuse at his hands. The 66-year-old’s 17 member family are pleading with the judge to put their father away for as long as possible.

Robert Hale’s wife, Kurina Rose, testified that her husband ruled their family with abuse and terror. Kurina said he kept her and their children trapped at their remote Alaska home with fear.  She said he refused allow their children to marry or their sons to cut their hair and beards. Kurina also said Robert wanted their children to be illiterate and didn’t allow them to learn how to read.


Kurina said Robert believed his actions were right as that was his interpretation of the Bible. “This is how he justified all his immoral activity,” she said. “I can see how wrong I was for not finding help.”


Hale is accused of convincing one of his daughters that she was “special” so she would have sex with him. His oldest son, Joseph Hale, said that his father made his five oldest sons sleep together in only their underwear.


Joseph said there was sexual abuse among the boys, and when his father found out he made them stretch across a “beating barrel” so he could whip them with a riding crop.


“He beat us unmercifully for that for months,” Joseph testified.


Two of Robert’s daughters brought the sexual and physical abuse to attention after he locked one of the girls in a shed for three days and beat and sexually assaulted her. The girls fled on a snowmobile and contacted police.


Hale’s family members asked the judge to put their father away for as long as possible. “The longer the better,” said Joseph.


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